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Usage and examples

The software provides integration of permanent GNSS data and radar InSAR observations, considering a particular computational method such as DInSAR, SBAS and PSI.

Import the library

  1. MultiDEFusion software works in the Python environment. Before starting the fusion process, ensure that your IDE is configured correctly (see Installation).
  2. To run the integration procedure at the beginning of the code, import run_fusion procedure:

from multidefusion.fusion import run_fusion

Description of initial parameters

In the following, to run_fusion, the initial arguments are required to be defined by the user.

integration = run_fusion(stations, path, method, noise)

The description of initial parameters:

Argument Type Description
stations list or str List of a particular station folders or "ALL" to process all folders found in the specified path
path str Path to the directory containing station data
method str Fusion method. Options are "forward" or "forward-backward"
noise float Noise level of the integration system [mm/day2]

Important remarks

  1. The integration procedure can include a single station folder (e.g., stations = ["ID01"]) stored in the path, a list of stations (e.g., stations = ["ID01", "ID02", "POINT_5"]) or ALL of them (stations = "ALL").

  2. For each particular station's folder, it is necessary to store the geodetic data in the ASCII files (see Input).

  3. Every ASCII file stored in the station's folder will be included in the integration procedure with respect to the chosen method ("forward" or "forward-backward").

  4. The noise level expressed as acceleration in mm/day2 should by assigned by user in the empirical way.

  5. In the library, the zero-mean acceleration model is introduced as the system noise matrix (Teunissen, 2009).


  1. An example script to run fusion for ALL stations in /your/path/to/multidefusion_trial/ folder using forward-backward method with 0.03 mm/day2 noise level. To get a trial MultiDEFusion repository, see Trial section:

    from multidefusion.fusion import run_fusion
    integration = run_fusion(stations="ALL", path="/your/path/to/multidefusion_trial/", method="forward-backward", noise=0.03)
  2. An example script to run fusion for ID01 station in C:\path\to\folder\ folder using forward method with 0.05 mm/day2 noise level.

    from multidefusion.fusion import run_fusion
    integration = run_fusion(stations=["ID01"], path="C:\\path\\to\\folder\\", method="forward", noise=0.05)
  3. An example script to run fusion for ID01 and POINT_5 stations in C:\path\to\folder\ folder using forward-backward method with 0.045 mm/day2 noise level.

    from multidefusion.fusion import run_fusion
    integration = run_fusion(stations=["ID01", "POINT_5"], path="C:\\path\\to\\folder\\", method="forward-backward", noise=0.045)

Teunissen, P. (2009). Dynamic data processing: Recursive least-squares.