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Instructions for downloading a trial repository for the MultiDEFusion library

The following repository has been created as a trial dataset for the MultiDEFusion library. The dataset can be downloaded from GitHub or Zenodo platform.

Cloning the repository from GitHub

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt.
  2. Use the git clone command to clone the repository to your device: git clone

  3. The repository will be downloaded to the current directory. You can now navigate to the repository directory using the cd command: cd multidefusion_trial

Cloning the repository from Zenodo

  1. Go to the Zenodo repository: Zenodo

  2. Download the folder.

  3. Unzip the folder.

Running the integration procedure

  1. Before starting the fusion process, ensure that your IDE is configured correctly (see Installation).
  2. To run the integration procedure in the Python environment, the initial parameters are required to be defined by the user. In the following, you can find an example script to run fusion for ALL stations in multidefusion_trial folder using forward-backward method with 0.03 mm/day2 noise level:

    from multidefusion.fusion import run_fusion
    integration = run_fusion(stations="ALL", path="/path/to/multidefusion_trial/", method="forward-backward", noise=0.03)
  3. More examples can be found in the Usage section.