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The MultiDEFusion final output can be divided into two parts: Graphic and Dataset

Graphic part

The final plot is created involving the Plotly library and Dash framework. The graphic representation of the results is automatically launched on the localhost server on port 8050.

The most important plot features:

  1. Visualisation: The default port for displaying results on localhost is 8050. For more than one station, the outputs will be displayed simultaneously on consecutive ports.
  2. Legend: Work for all of the traces and provide a general overview of the results by activating or deactivating groups of data using the legend entities.
  3. Hover: Working within a single trace and providing a detailed overview of the results using the cursor.
  4. Table: To provide the most relevant information about the integration procedure.
  5. Customisation: To provide individual ranges for dates or values:
    • Dates range: adjustable by providing initial and last date or by using the calendar.
    • Horizontal range: adjustable by providing minimum and maximum values.
    • Vertical & LOS range: adjustable by providing minimum and maximum values.
    • Rate range: adjustable by providing minimum and maximum values.
  6. Buttons: To facilitate manipulation between the traces:
    • Restore default: Restore the original ranges of dates or values after user manipulations.
    • Sync ranges: To synchronise the ranges to the same values (by default, the horizontal and vertical ranges of displacement are disjoint).
  7. Mode bar: A default toolbar of the plotly library located in the top right corner:
    • Download plot: To save the plot in svg format after user's manipulations.
    • Edit in Chart Studio: To provide more advanced modifications in the plotly Chart Studio.
    • Zoom: Work for a selected part of the trace. Double click on the trace to zoom back out.
    • Pan: Working within a single trace by moving the current view of the trace.
    • Draw line: Working within a single trace.
    • Draw circle: Working within a single trace.
    • Draw rectangle: Working within a single trace.
    • Erase the active shape: A single-click to activate the shape.
    • Zoom in: Work simultaneously for all of the traces.
    • Zoom out: Work simultaneously for all of the traces.
    • Reset axes: Work simultaneously for all of the traces.

Dataset part

The MultDEFusion library returns a dataset of time series for a particular station.

The collection of data is stored in the dictionary, where the key is the signature of station, and the value is the containing the dataset of time series.

Using the example parameter signature given in the Trial section, to obtain the time series of Kalman filter results of PI03 station from forward approach, type in your IDE console: integration["PI03"].forward. Furthermore, to get the data from Kalman backward approach, type: integration["PI03"].backward. Warning: Some IDEs may require to stop the console beforehand.

More information about attributes of Dataset output can be found in the API Reference integration module section.