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Input files structure

The library is based on geodetic observations stored in the form of text files stored in the defined folder. Maintenance of the specific structure for all input files is necessary to ensure the successful completion of the integration procedure.

The structure of names of input file:

The following files have to be located in the defined folder, the signature of which is given in the stations parameter of the run_fusion procedure (see Usage).

  1. GNSS: GNSS.txt (Mandatory file)
  2. InSAR: (e.g., "DInSAR_Asc_1.txt", "DInSAR_Asc_2.txt", "SBAS_51_main.txt", "PSI_123.txt", etc.).
    • Type_Orbit.txt or,
    • Type_Orbit_Element.txt (Element is not mandatory):
      • Type is a mandatory signature of the InSAR calculation method. Allowed values: "DInSAR", "SBAS" or "PSI".
      • Orbit is a mandatory signature of InSAR orbit. Allowed types: str or int, e.g., "Asc", "Desc", "51", "123", etc.
      • Element is a non-mandatory signature of a particular pixel or PS point. Allowed types: str or int, e.g., "1", "102fa", "main", etc.

Restrictions on the input files:

  1. The GNSS.txt is a mandatory file.
  2. The InSAR Type can be realised only by the "DInSAR", "SBAS" or "PSI" signature.
  3. The number of distinct InSAR Orbit signatures must be less than or equal to 3.
  4. The number of distinct InSAR Element signatures within particular Orbit must be less than or equal to 9.
  5. The number of distinct InSAR Element signatures within particular Type must be less than or equal to 10.

Headers and data columns structure in the input files:

  1. GNSS: YYYY MM DD X Y Z mX mY mZ

    Signature Type Parameter
    YYYY int Year
    MM int Month
    DD int Day
    X float Geocentric X coordinate [m]
    Y float Geocentric Y coordinate [m]
    Z float Geocentric Z coordinate [m]
    mX float Error of geocentric X coordinate [m]
    mY float Error of geocentric Y coordinate [m]
    mZ float Error of geocentric Z coordinate [m]

    Signature Type Parameter
    YYYY1 int Year of primary image
    YYYY2 int Year of secondary image
    MM1 int Month of primary image
    MM2 int Month of secondary image
    DD1 int Day of primary image
    DD2 int Day of secondary image
    DSP float LOS displacement [m]
    INC_ANG float Incidence angle [rad]
    HEAD_ANG float Heading angle [rad]
    ERROR float Error of LOS displacement [m]

    Signature Type Parameter
    YYYY int Year
    MM int Month
    DD int Day
    DSP float LOS displacement [m]
    INC_ANG float Incidence angle [rad]
    HEAD_ANG float Heading angle [rad]
    ERROR float Error of LOS displacement [m]

    For all InSAR methods, the ERROR column can be replaced by: COH (float): Coherence factor. The coherence will be converted to the error value expressed in the metric domain using the theory presented in Hanssen, 2001 and Tondaś et al., 2023. To calculate the error using the coherence factor, the wavelength of the Sentinel-1 is applied.

To get the trial dataset of input files for the MultiDEFusion library, see Trial packages.

Hanssen, R. (2001). Radar interferometry: Data interpretation and error analysis.
Tondaś, D. et al. (2023). Kalman filter-based integration of GNSS and InSAR observations for local nonlinear strong deformations.